How much air is REALLY trapped in diesel fuel? | Air in Fuel Episode 3

May 12, 2022

In episode 3 of our Air in Fuel Series, Brad and Josh bring the data to life with an actual demonstration. In real-world conditions, entrained air and air vapor can become so problematic that injection systems fail, leaving owners stranded. However, injection system failures are more than inconvenient—they’re expensive. It’s not uncommon for replacement parts and labor to cost thousands, in addition to the lost productivity from a truck being down for repair. That’s why FASS Diesel Fuel Systems are engineered from the ground up to eliminate air from your diesel fuel. By removing all the entrained air and vapor, our fuel systems improve efficiency, power, drivability, and reliability for a FRACTION of what most injection system failures would cost. Stay tuned for the next episode, and thanks for watching!

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