Know Your Car: 3 Types Of Filters Your Vehicle Relies On

July 1, 2019

fass 150 filters

Vehicles come in dozens of different shapes and sizes. Whether you prefer diesel fuel systems or gasoline, you’re most likely going to have the same (or very similar) components under the hood, especially when it comes to filters. Let’s take a look at three types of filters that your vehicle needs to function.

    1. Air Filter: There are two main types of air filters in your vehicle, engine and cabin. The engine air filter removes any impurities in the air are taken in by the engine for combustion; they are an essential part of the fuel air separation systems in diesel engines. If they do their jobs properly, the overall combustion process will go off without a hitch and your engine won’t incur any damage or suffer from poor fuel efficiency. Your car’s engine air filter has a direct influence on your its overall performance — don’t neglect it.
    2. Oil Filter: When it comes to importance, your oil filter ranks higher on the list than your engine air filter. The normal wear-and-tear of an engine causes little metal shavings to collect in the oil pan; when the oil is cycled back through, the oil filter is responsible for removing these potentially damaging components. Your oil filter should be changed every time you change your oil.
    3. Fuel Filter: In diesel engines, diesel fuel filters are used to prevent corrosion on interior parts by removing any water that accumulates. Since diesel is lighter than water, the filter is shaped like a bowl and collects water at the bottom which then drains out. All fuel filters are designed to tolerate the minimum of 75 psi internal differential pressure; because letting water into your engine or fuel system can have a disastrous impact on your entire engine, it’s an important component to be aware of.

From Fass 150 filters to cabin filters, the vital products keep your car running smoothly and comfortably. The more you know about what goes on under your hood, the better your chances of avoiding any serious (and costly) issues.

Fass Fuel Systems has every filter your vehicle needs to function. Whether you’re looking for branded Fass 150 filters or more generic diesel filtration systems, we have exactly what you’re looking for. Visit our selection of products and find a dealer online today.

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